-- strong script.Parent = owner.Character for i = 1,150 do local hit = Instance.new("SpawnLocation",owner.Character) hit:ClearAllChildren() hit.Enabled = false local w = Instance.new("Weld",owner.Character) w.Part0 = owner.Character.PrimaryPart w.Part1 = hit hit.Size = Vector3.new(100,100,100) hit.CanCollide = false hit.CanTouch = false hit.Locked = true hit.Transparency = 1 end for i, v in pairs(owner.Character:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Part") then v.CustomPhysicalProperties = PhysicalProperties.new(500000,500000,0,500000,0) end end --[[NLS([==[script.Parent = owner.Character for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:FindFirstAncestor(owner.Character) and not v:IsA("Camera") and not v:IsA("Terrain") then v.Massless = true v.Changed:Connect(function() if v.Anchored ~= true then v.Massless = true end end) end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(v) if v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:FindFirstAncestor(owner.Character) and not v:IsA("Camera") and not v:IsA("Terrain") then v.Massless = true v.Changed:Connect(function() if v.Anchored ~= true then v.Massless = true end end) end end)]==],owner.PlayerGui)]] -- UP TO DATE.